UGG 3174

Monday, November 19, 2012

why do we see the style over and over in movies

Would someone please tell me: Why won't Gothic fashion die?
Hello! Welcome to s New blog. Allow me to introduce myself...I'm Blue, and I will be your host for this crime of fashion and corset making! I am an artist/designer, blogger, poet, wanna-be rock star and fashionista and I will be bringing you all sorts of goodies in the coming weeks.So, go get your leopard print reading glasses and make sure to turn on your RSS feeds because you are NOT going to want to miss a single weekly blog from now on! I am drooling over currently!In fashion, we all know that history ends up repeating itself. Throughout the decades, but more recently…we’ve seen shoulder pads, skinny jeans, bell-bottoms and the like reinvented many times over. However, what seems to always have a place on the runway…at least within the last 20 years or so? The Gothic Fashion of the late 70’s –early 80’s.Since the 1980’s and even a few years before, the “Goth” style has been represented by big hair, pale skin, dark swirly eyeliner, black luxurious clothes and boots.In the early years, the look had been best associated with the younger generations… generally not anyone past the age of say 30. It was looked upon as a “phase” or something teenagers and kids in their early 20’s did in hopes to establish identity.Music was...well where it "was".Post –Punk took off and out of that Siousxie, Bauhaus and the Cure made it acceptable to be “different”. It seems that this look has filtered from the youth in the streets of Europe, then to America’s and finally … now what? Haute Couture? Is the high fashion conscious finally recognizing “Goth” folks as a stylish? Yes, I think so. At least this is evident for the last 10-15 years or so.Why is it that the “Goth” style NEVER seems to die? It seems that the “couture conscious” have a secret penchant for the darker side of fashion. Some say it’s all in your attitude and the style shouldn’t matter…if that is the case why is it that the “Goth” aesthetic seems to repeatedly pop up? Why are so many people intrigued by it?If “Goth” is purely about the attitude as some people say, why do we see the style over and over in movies, TV, comic books, literature? Because the look itself embraces the romanticism of a time gone by, a mystery, sensuality and an essence of pretention that demands attention and says…”look at me, I’m beautiful”. It’s forcing us to look back to a time where looking good, not just acceptable, mattered more than it does…in this day and age. That’s got to be why “Goth” fashion won’t die.There are those of us that still believe in the romanticism of it all,ugg 3174.Next week continued part II: Designers that have made their mark pushing the envelope of design and incorporating "Goth" aesthetic.This Hub was last updated on July 6, 2010You can help the HubPages community highlight top quality content by ranking this article up or down. Discover More HubsHow to Revamp Your Personal Fashion StyleNew Generation Of Hmong Clothes And Fashion Style' 2012How To Dress Harajuku Style (Tokyo, Japan)Philosophy of FashionIndian Hair Style Trends | Hair Styles 2012What style describes you? Never ending styles Comments 2 comments2 years ago Can't wait to see what you do next. I like wearing dark makeup sometimes, but I would not consider myself Goth.9 months ago from South west UK I'm just plain too old or and post using a HubPages account.8192 characters left.No HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your Hubs or other sites. workingLike This Hub?Over 50 Million people discover HubPages every month.

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